Mix custurd powder in cold milk properly and note that it does not contain balls.Take non stick pan , put the prepared batter into it, add sugar,and heat till it get thick.Keep it aside and beat it till it gets coolNow freez it for 10 minutes.Take fresh cream, add icing sugar, choclate essence, cocoa powder, and beat it till it gets thick and keep it aside.Now crush the cakeTake one bowl and put chocho chips.For 1st layer 1/3 part of cake and press it.For 2nd layer put all custurd in bowl and spread it thoroughly.For 3rd layer put another ½ part of cake and spread it thoroughly.For 4th layer put prepared choco cream and spread it.For 5th layer put last part of cake , spread it, and press it properly.Freez the pudding for atleast one hour.Now put the plate on outer side of bowl and take out whole pudding in plate.Serve it by garnishing with choclate serum.